Global Game Jam 2020

Global Game Jam 2020

With this year’s Global Game Jam we broke our brains about the theme “repair”. The result was a crazy VR puzzle game, in which you “repair” all kinds of broken pieces that you find in a mysterious attic. Invent the coolest new items and sell them for the best price! The game is called LadleChair and may one day be published.

Global Game Jam 2020

Global Game Jam 2020

Tijdens de Global Game Jam van dit jaar hebben we onze hoofden gebroken over het thema “repair”. Het resultaat was een krankzinnige VR puzzle game, waarin je allerlei soorten gebroken onderdelen “repareert”. Combineer ze tot de coolste nieuwe items, en verkoop ze voor de beste prijs! De game heet LadleChair (PollepelStoel) en wordt ooit misschien gepubliceerd.

VP All Stars Game Jam

VP All Stars Game Jam

Reunion! All our previous interns and co-workers become members of a special club: The VP All Stars. The Global Game Jam of this year brings us together with quite the group. We’ll be jamming this weekend as a goodbye party for our current interns. Some of the VP all stars are joining the party too!